It’s Dark Now, But It Ain’t Over

That was Friday … but Sunday’s coming.  Sometimes things go from bad to worse before they get better.  Sometimes innocent people suffer and life seems cruel and unfair, but hang on because the story isn’t over.  You may feel like things have gone from bad to worse, but God isn’t finished writing your story, and you’re just getting to the good part.

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The Confession of Christ

The world needs to hear this testimony of Jesus.  Many argue that Jesus was not God in the flesh, nor was He the very Son of God.  But Jesus said, “I AM.”  He is the great I AM.  When we need a Savior, Jesus says, “I AM!”  When we need a healer, Jesus says, “I AM!”  When we need a friend that sticks closer than a brother, Jesus says, “I AM!”  When we need an Advocate with the Father, Jesus says, “I AM!”  When we need the Good Shepherd, when we need the door and gate, when we need the way, the truth, and the life, when we need the bread of life, Jesus says, “I AM!”

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