Holy Heart

The world, whose hearts are only on evil continually, can shout, spit, swear, and even commit murder and mayhem on the streets, but they cannot win. Jesus already won the victory two thousand years ago when He crushed the serpent’s head and gave His Church the power to tread on serpents, scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy.

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God of Turnarounds

I’ve prayed the impossible prayer in my own life, and I’ve seen God move in situations where there seemed to be no hope. I believe that when we are walking in God’s will and serving God in His kingdom, we can ask for the impossible and expect the impossible when it aligns with His plans and purposes.

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Funeral for a Faithful Woman

If Christ is not risen then all our self-denial of carnal pleasures was for nothing.  If Christ is not risen then all our prayers were pointless.  If Christ is not risen then there is no blessed hope, no heaven, no eternal healing, no restoration of all things, no point, no purpose, and no promise … if … Christ is not risen.

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