This is a one person play. The pastor (or other minister) comes to the stage as one of the shepherds who was in the field with the sheep the night the angel(s) appeared. It chronicles that event and his experience seeing the baby Jesus in the manger.
When Jesus was born, He was carried out of the cave by Mary or Joseph, but when He rose again, He carried us out, out of our spiritual death, and gave us new life. Through the birth of His only begotten Son, God was preparing to manifest His saving grace in you and me.
Pregnant Time
Doctor Luke did his homework, and the Holy Spirit ensured the validity of what he wrote.
We can have complete confidence in the texts of the Christian Bible. The events recorded in both Luke and Matthew’s Gospels, regarding the conception, birth, and nativity of Jesus Christ are absolutely true. God really did become one of us, putting on the robes of human flesh, yet without sin. God’s only begotten Son was Mary’s firstborn Son, and He was born in the little town of Bethlehem, just as the Prophet Micah said He would.
The Impossible Mission
Like Mary, we have been given a mission, and like Mary we must be bold and be strong, for the Lord thy God is with you. Giants will fall, walls will tumble, and the gates of hell will not prevail because God is on your side.
What Are The Odds?
As the Christmas season begins, let’s look at eight prophecies concerning the birth and early years of the Messiah. We’ll look first at the prophecies in the Old Testament and then the New Testament fulfillment, remembering the astronomical improbability that these could have been fulfilled by chance alone. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of more than 300 prophecies.
Barren Place to Birthplace
In our text, we see a couple – Zacharias and his wife, Elizabeth – who came from the priestly lineage of their forefather Aaron. They were righteous, they walked in God’s commands and ordinances, and they were blameless ... but they were barren. They had no children, but even with the prospect of children quickly fading, they never stopped serving the Lord, and they had never stopped praying for their miracle.
Matthew doesn’t tell us how or when Joseph discovered that Mary was pregnant. Still, it must have been shocking news resulting in many sleepless nights as he wrestled with his love for Mary on one hand, and the letter of law on the other hand, which said he could make a public example of her and humiliate her for what appeared to be her unfaithfulness. Verse 20 says that as Joseph was wrestling with his emotions and the decisions he had to make, he had a dream.
What is the longest you’ve ever prayed for something before God answered your prayer? When year after year goes by and it doesn’t seem like God is moving, at what point should we stop praying? I’d say if our prayers are in agreement with the Word of God and we are pursuing the will of God, then we should never stop praying. You may ask, “What if it takes years and it seems like time is running out on the possibility of an answer?” So what? Is anything too hard for God? Is God limited by time or distance?
Christmas: Turning Fear to Cheer
In this life, we are often faced with unexpected circumstances and events that surprise us, catch us off-guard and initially cause some alarm. Regardless of how much faith we have, our first response is usually fear but if we remember that Jesus is with us, then fear can be destroyed where faith is employed.
Christmas Dreams: Matthew
Joseph heard the Lord in three dreams and the wise men heard God in their dream. As a result, Jesus our Savior was born, lived, and gave Himself as the sacrifice for our sins. He has earned the right to have our attention, our worship, and our obedience. Dream to believe that God has a plan for your life and if you hear Him, He will do exceedingly, abundantly, more than you can ask or think.