An Example Worth Following

If we lived in a world without Bibles, and the only thing anyone knew about Christianity was what they saw in the way we lived and heard in the way we spoke, what kind of Christians would there be in the world? We might argue that they should follow Jesus and not us, but in the first century, the main way people learned theology was through the disciple-rabbi relationship, where the disciples were expected to imitate their teachers. Paul was a follower of Jesus, and he endeavored to live "the Christ life." He tried to live the way he believed Jesus would live.

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Somebody is Always Watching: Father’s Day

Someone once told me that when it comes to our children, more things are caught than taught, meaning that we can teach all the right things, read our Bibles, pray with our children, and take them to church, but in the end the way we live our lives in front of our children will have a much more profound impact on them than all the words we speak or the lessons we teach. 

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Mother’s Day: “The Legacy of Faith”

Paul rejoiced in the faith of Timothy, and he credited both Timothy’s grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice for being influential examples in Timothy’s life.  Every mother needs to know how important she is in her child’s life.  Though some of you may have grown up without your mother in the home, and you have overcome incredible odds to become the person you are now, it still remains a biblical truth that mothers are God’s gift to children and the primary model for nurture and love. 

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