Without the covering of salvation in the name of Jesus, we are running naked in the night, but the call of the Father is to come home and let Him cover us. This is the reason Jesus went to face His accusers and to offer His life as a ransom for many.
Prayers in the Night
We might wonder if God knows how we feel in those moments, after all, He is Almighty God and we are but finite specs of dust against the backdrop of the universe. How could He possibly know the pain of rejection, betrayal, and abandonment that we know?
Turn the Page
the lamb was not mentioned by the Gospel writers because Jesus is “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Re 13:8). All other Passover lambs throughout the history of Israel were merely placeholders in time awaiting fulfillment in Jesus Christ. It was not the blood of lambs, rams, goats, or calves that could save. It is only the blood of Jesus Christ applied to the doorposts of our hearts that cleanses us of sin, defeats death, and gives us eternal life.