What If I Gave All I Have?

I tend to believe the best in people, and I want to believe we are all being faithful in tithes and doing our very best in offerings. And I know what it feels like to do my best, and then have someone come along and tell me, “That’s not good enough.” That discourages a person, and makes it hard keep doing our best when we are made to feel like our best is never good enough. However, if we are faithful, God knows, and He always blesses the faithful. As the old song said, “There’s gonna be a payday, someday for all who have been true.”

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Welcome to MarkHardgrove.com I’m honored to have pastors, evangelists, and teachers reference my website as they prayerfully consider the message or lesson God is placing on their heart for their congregation. I personally pray and study diligently in preparation for each sermon posted on this site, and I am confident in the theological and biblical...

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