Hold On to the Truth

Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33). It’s not a question of “if” the trials will come, it is only a matter of when and whether we will be ready. Paul said that “the mystery,” or “the secret power of lawlessness,” was already at work. But we don’t have to worry and wring our hands because we’ve been training for this. Every battle that we’ve been through, every prayer that God has answered, every sermon we’ve heard, and every lesson we’ve learned have been preparing us for the battle that’s coming. Don’t worry about it; in the name of Jesus, you’ve got this.

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Water Baptism: Proud Father

In the Gospel of John, John the Baptist recognized Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29). Therefore, John’s hesitation is understandable. Why would the sinless Son of God need to undergo a baptism of repentance?  If John admitted that he was unworthy to unlatch the sandals of Jesus, then he certainly felt unworthy to baptize Jesus.

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Don’t Be Deceived

In this passage, Paul provides wisdom and practical guidance for navigating confusion, false teaching, and spiritual deception. Let’s explore this passage together and consider three key lessons that will help us to recognize and reject false teaching, especially false teaching concerning the return of Christ. The three things Paul told the Thessalonians were: don’t be scared by forged letters, don’t be deceived by false teaching, and don’t be fooled by a fake Christ.

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In the previous letter and again in this letter, Paul assures them that he is praying for them. Paul’s prayer for them is as relevant to us today as it was to them. In these two verses, Paul gives us a glimpse into his heart for the church and reminds us of the power and purpose of prayer.

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Justice for the Win

There are two groups of people in this text. There are the persecuted children of God who will be rewarded with eternal peace and rest in the glorious presence of God. Then, there are the people who oppose God’s people and reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ; this group will be eternally judged. I want to be on the right side of this equation.

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Let Me Make Myself Clear

In the world, there will be tribulation, and the enemy will try to use it to divide us. But thank God, Jesus has overcome the world (Jn 16:33). If we lock hands and hearts in faith, we can stand stronger together than we can standing alone. Through their love for one another, the church in Thessalonica was able to overcome, and their faith continued to grow. We are always better together.

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Paul ends with a prayer, a charge, and a benediction, all wrapped into one profound ending to an eternal message. Paul wrote this letter through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so this isn’t just Paul’s personal ending; this is the Word of God for all generations, including those of us who read it today. What this ending provides is an outline for the Christian life till Christ returns.

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Bullets that Bless (Part 1)

To begin, Paul never said we would always be happy, but he did say we should always rejoice. How do we reconcile these two things? It begins with understanding the words Paul used in verse 16. The word “rejoice” does not mean the same thing as the word “happy.” Happiness is often predicated upon what "happens" to us, while rejoicing, as Paul used the word here, refers to Christ in us, the hope of glory (Co 1:27).

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