Palm Sunday: Which Messiah Do We Worship?

But by the end of the week the multitudes would turn on Christ and cry out, “Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!” (Lk. 23:21).  He came into Jerusalem hailed as a king, but a week later He was taken outside of Jerusalem and hung on a cross like a common criminal.  This would be a dramatic and decisive turn of events in the span of only seven days, but each point in the process was fulfilling prophesy concerning the coming Messiah.

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Once people realized how special Jesus was, everywhere Jesus went the people crowded around Him. Eventually some of the religious elites began to worry that Jesus might challenge their positions or their authority, so they also began to show up in order to critique and criticize Jesus.  They were constantly watching with a critical eye and listening for something with which to accuse Jesus of, such as, fraud or blasphemy.  Sadly, in process of their criticism, they likely deprived themselves of the ministry that could have been for them.  People who come to church only to pick apart the sermon and criticize the preacher are rarely blessed.

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Jesus Has Left the Building

JESUS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING Mark 1:29-45 29 Now as soon as they had come out of the synagogue, they entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. 30 But Simon’s wife’s mother lay sick with a fever, and they told Him about her at once. 31 So He came and took her by the hand and...

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The Beginning of Big Things

At the age of 30, Jesus emerged from the small village of Nazareth in the region of Galilee; He was baptized by John; tempted in the wilderness; and then came to Galilee preaching that the coming kingdom of God is near. Jesus was one man from the obscure town of Nazareth, walking along the banks of the Sea of Galilee, calling only twelve men to follow Him, yet His message would change the world.

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From Temptation to Proclamation

However, in the middle of the wilderness, fasting for forty days, with the dangers of wild beasts ever present and Satan (the adversary), tempting Him, Jesus overcame and “the angels ministered to Him.”  The first Adam fell and the angel stood with a flaming sword to keep Adam and Eve out of the Garden and away from Tree of Life, but Jesus prevailed and has become the way, the gate, and the door to eternal life.

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It Isn’t Church Until Jesus Shows Up

We thank God when the preacher shows up, and I’m always glad when the musicians and singers show up. I’m overjoyed when I see you coming through the doors on Sunday, but it isn’t until Jesus shows up that the healer is in the house. It isn’t until Jesus shows up that worship is more than songs, sermons are more than noise, and prayers are more than words. Jesus makes the difference. In His name prayers are answered, lives are changed and hope is restored. It just isn’t church until Jesus shows up.

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God sent His Son—His one and only eternally begotten Son—into a sinful fallen world to tell us and to show us that He loves us. In fact, God loves us unconditionally. We don’t have to be good enough for God to love us; instead, God’s love shows us that if we have value in His eyes, then we should have value our own eyes. Apostle Paul said, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Ro 5:8). He loved us in the middle of our mess, in the face of our failures, and in spite of our sins. God’s love moved Him to make the ultimate sacrifice, a sacrifice with the power to pull us out of sin and into grace.

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The Power of Prayer

In closing, James reminds us of the power of prayer. This truth could not have come at a better time for first century believers, or for the twenty-first century believers. There is power in payer. Power to bring relief to those who suffer, power to heal the sick, power to forgive sin, and power to turn the heart of the wayward back to the Lord. James tells us that we don’t have to be a priest, a prophet, or an apostle to pray powerful prayers; we just have to live right and know who to call upon. The words “pray” or “prayer” occur seven times in eight verses, so prayer is clearly the theme of James at the end the letter.

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Our victory is not dependent upon elections or economic conditions. Pandemic or no pandemic, I’m still singing my victory song because an old rugged cross was lifted up against the backdrop of the Jerusalem sky, and with His last breath Jesus declared, “It is finished!” The war has already been won, and this is my victory song!

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Looking Up to Look Ahead

I think that for a number of reasons, this past year has been like that for many people. Between the COVID-19 pandemic, the non-stop negative news on the media featuring abuse, bombings, and burning cities, along with a culture determined to divide and conquer the community of faith, this has been a very difficult year. But like David in Psalm 138 we can keep singing.

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